Friday, January 14, 2011

Develop A Positive Attitude To Change Your Life.

Everyday lots of people participate in the lottery.  The better half of these people lose all their money and become poor at the end, at least 99% of people lose money and never win, even winners quickly go from millionaires to bankruptcy.  Some winners lose all the money within the first year!  Partially due to lost relationships, broken families, bad financial decisions, etc.  It is not uncommon to see that after the lottery winners go broke, they have a common theme – they were all poor before winning the lottery.   When rich people win the lotteries, they become richer.  When penniless/poor people win the lotteries, a whole lot of them become poor again.
The events around you don’t determine how successful you are or will be it is all about the changes inside of you ‘weather positive or negative’.
So many people think and ‘wait’ for some external support or force, to change their lives. They think “oh if only I can win the lottery, I would buy a car, a house, take a vacation” or “if I can receive some donations, life would be much easier”.  Until we realize that when we change our mindset about life and progression, we will remain the same.  You are the only one that can change your mindset, if you want a change in your life.
External forces only amplify positive and negative attitudes, actions and beliefs.  Most times our actions is a major determinant of how our lives turn out, if it is considered good, it’s a cause of our action and when bad, it’s not someone else’s doing but ours!  Let us learn to take actions on the things we want and don’t want in our lives.
For example, if lottery winners go broke again after winning millions of dollars, it’s because they don’t know how to handle money!  They never learnt how to create wealth, they don’t know how to set goals and stick to the plan.  They don’t have any positive mental attitude and don’t know how to grow their self-image.  Definitely, not everybody who wins the lottery ends up losing all their money, some people changed themselves quickly and learnt how to handle money to create wealth.
So many things happen in our life – losing a job, getting sick, a bad relationship and many more adversities.  We likewise experience great things – meeting wonderful people, spending quality time with our family and friends, etc.  These are all external activities; our success depends only on internal preparation and a winning desire inside of us.  When we prepare ourselves and stick to a plan, we would conquer many adversities.  Internal change begins with dream building, and, goal setting.  It is an endless process; positive internal changes will help us achieve dreams, we and “you” alone are the architect of our very own future.

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