Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Don’t Hold Yourself Back!

We sometimes view success as - an accomplishment somewhere in the future, why wait for “sometime in the future,” when we can actually take actions now?
Our personal success lies in the actions of this moment.  Take actions today in accomplishing your goals, mistakes are mere obstacles to be crossed before achieving an eventual success.
I used to think that I may never achieve great success, because I believed that only wealthy people are the ones who can help me succeed, and, I never had any “very” wealthy family member or friend willing to help!  At a point in time in my life, I decided “ok I don’t have the connection, I will create one.”  So I made an effort, searched for help related to the type of goal/success that I wanted and, I have been getting amazing results.
Don’t hold back because you don’t have resources – seek, and you will find that which you seek. 
Go ahead and create your world of possibilities. J

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Go Green for the Environment

The “Go Green” initiative is an important step towards eco-friendly and sustainable living.  This is a wonderful initiative that will not only improve the quality of our lives, but save our beautiful environment.  I decided to join the go green initiative, because I consider our environment as a gift from God and as such, it is worth saving!
Going green to save the environment, involves conscious or deliberate efforts to make our environment better.  With the issue of climate change and global warming looming, it is not at all a bad idea to do things that can save/better our environment.
There are several ways that we can contribute to saving this our God given environment.  Yes, there are so many ways to go green for the environment, some of which include but are not limited to:
Stop using disposable products – order reusable ones.
Use recycled products – By recycling and re-using, we reduce the amount of waste that sits in landfills.
Turn off the lights when living the room – this way you will conserve energy.
Turn off your lights for as long as you can – open your curtains and enjoy the natural light.
Turn off your computer completely at night.
Reduce temperatures on your geysers or water heaters.
Eat organic foods – you can enjoy tastier foods and improve your personal health.
Wash the laundry in cold water, not hot waters.
Walk or ride a bike to your errands that are closer.
Will you go green for the environment? If you are already going green, what are some of the ways you are going green?  Remember when you go green; you are saving our precious environment.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Power of Positive Thoughts and Confessions

If there is one thing we have complete control over, it’s our thought!  We can decide what we want to think in any situation.  The way we think or interpret events, brings about a feeling, be it positive or negative.
Everybody loves security be it financial or otherwise, and, believe me when I say no one loves security more than me.  Right now, I am yet to attain the level of financial security I want for me and my family.  If I keep on thinking and saying to myself “oh what is the use of trying, things are looking so bad I will never make it” then I will never make it!  If you keep on confessing negative things like “I will never lose weight”, “I will never get well”, then by all means you won’t!
Our thoughts and feelings lead us into actions, and thus determine the results we get.  It all starts with – Thoughts.  Our thinking and confessions shape our lives and ultimately makes us who we are. Let us take care of this precious asset, because it can either build or destroy us.
“You become what you think about most of the time” – Earl Nightingal
Most importantly, the scripture states that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” and “As a man thinks in his heart so he is.”

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How To Manage And Save Money

I try every now and then to save or “manage” money; so I thought I’d better share this with you.  Believe it or not, not everyone can actually save money and not everyone knows how to manage their money.  I will give you some of my personal tips on how to save, this will be interesting! J
Put quality in mind:  Go for quality as quality lasts longer than quantity.
Make a budget: Try and make budgets whenever you are going shopping and try and stick to it, this way you will be in charge of your spending.
Shop around:  Check for the best prices of products by “window” shopping around before making a purchase.
Cook at home:  Home cooking saves your money, cook in bulk and store in individual containers (glass and plastics).
Separate “needs” from “wants” – If you intend saving some money, it will be ideal to separate your needs from your wants.  If you really want some stuff that bad, you can as well wait till when they go on sale. J
Pay off debts: Try and pay your bills as at when due.
Invest into your future: Debt is not so bad, when investing in the future.
Plan for unforeseen circumstances:  Put some money aside for emergencies.
Set personal goals: Set goals when it comes to saving and paying off debts.
Educate yourself:  Learn some basics of financial management, learn how to save and invest.
Know and understand your level of debt: Know how much you owe.
Income source: Above all, have a source of income; you can’t save when there is no money to be saved.
Review your progress:  Set a timeline to see how you are doing.
What are some ways that you save money?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How to Set Goals And Achieve Success - Tips

Have you ever thought of setting goals, but don’t know how or where to start? You are not alone.  I used to have this problem; thank God it’s a thing of the past now. On the other hand, many people concentrate on making New Year Resolutions and don’t even know where to start from, if this is your case, still you are not alone. Thinking of this, I thought it’s better to share with you my friends, some goal setting tips that work.
In setting goals, let’s bear in mind that there are different types of goals – long and short term goals.  It all depends on what we want.  Goal setting is very important; I can never stress this enough.  When you set goals, “write” them down.  I say this because, it is one of the basis for evaluation, for example, some of my personal goal this year, is to improve my spiritual life/service level with God, and, I intend to make a minimum of US$1,000.00 every month.  I’ve just given you two out of my outlined goals, and I have a written plan of action on how to achieve this.  This means that at the end of every month, I will check my progress to see how I’m doing.  If I’m not achieving my desired results, I will check what I’m doing wrong and where I need to improve my effort.  Enough about me now, let’s do this;
Tips on how to set goals

How do you see yourself: Create a “big picture” of what you want with your life
Split it: Break it/them down into smaller targets that you intend to hit and reach your goals.
Write down your goals: The physical act of writing down a goal makes it tangible and real.  There won’t be an excuse to forget about it.  When you write, use the word "will" instead of "would like to" or "might".
Get into action: Once the plan is set, start working to achieve your goals.
Stay focused: keep the above listed processes going, by reviewing and updating your to do list on a daily basis.  Yes on a daily basis or depending on the type of goal, be it weekly, monthly or yearly goals
Be positive: Be positive about each goal, wear a positive attitude it will help you succeed.
Be precise: Put your goals in time, amounts, etc, so you can measure progress.
Stick with the plan: Be consistent and stay focused
Goal setting is an ongoing activity, not just a means to an end.  Build reminders, to keep yourself on track.  Setting of goals, is more than just saying you want something to happen.  You have to understand what you want, why you want it, and how to get it.
It is never too late to set your goals, and achieve success.  We are still in February (yes beginning of the year) it shouldn’t necessary be January, don’t assume you have missed the train because this is not January, and, remember, nothing is really impossible. 
What goals will you decide to accomplish today?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Make That Change

Make a conscious effort today, to change and improve your life for the better.   Stop saying if I could I would, instead let it be if I should, I will.