The present challenge you are facing: The scripture gives us assurance that we would always come out of “every” trouble and difficulty we may be facing. Put on a positive attitude that in due time all will be well.
Know who you are in Christ: For you to make progress in life, you’ve got to know who you are in Christ. If you don’t know who you are, then you have a big problem. If you are a child of God, you’ve got to believe that He will never leave you or forsake you. Take positive steps to make progress in life and He will back you.
Know whose you are: If you know who you belong to in life, then nothing can stop. The person you belong to determines what power is behind you. The person you belong to determines the authourity by which you operate, it determines what flows to you and what power is behind you.
Know the laws of progress/success: Why do some people make progress and others don’t? One of them is the law of sight, see yourself succeeding and you will get there. Another one is faith, faith is necessary to obtain what vision has in store for you, when you see it you’ve got to believe it, believe that the vision you see in your spirit will become reality. There is also the law of discovery, everything we will ever need to succeed in this life – has already been provided! You just need to know how to discover and tap into it. Consistency is another thing; make progress by keeping good habits and being consistent in it.
Don’t surrender: If you want to keep making progress, don’t be satisfied with where you are.
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts” – Winston Churchill.
Don’t give up because you have achieved or failed in a particular goal you have, move on whatever the case may be.
Let go of yesterday: These are the yesterdays that “went well and the ones that didn’t” when you let go, you will be able to concentrate on what the future has in store for you.
In this journey of, making progress is very important so that we can arrive at our God ordained destination. Make up your mind to succeed today and take positive steps forward.