Monday, January 10, 2011

Stress Management Tips to help you this New Year.

The New Year is here again, and with it comes all optimism and renewed energy to get into and commit to a healthier lifestyle.   Although most people ‘abandon’ their New Year’s Resolution with few weeks, there are some commitments that can be made and kept, thanks to the fact that they can improve quality of life.  One of such commitment is – reducing stress levels.  This article will provide you with tips to help you be stress-free, starting this month and through the year.  


Use your energy productively by maintaining a very active lifestyle.  You don’t have to be at the gym every day of the week, although if you like this lifestyle, then by all means go with it.  Make a conscious effort to increase your physical activity level gradually; take a walk to work once a week, or indulge sports like; ice skating or snowboarding.   A lot of people find moving their bodies, helps them deal with challenging problem that may otherwise lead to stress.

Eat Well
Eating an excellent diet filled with vitamins, fiber, and enough protein, is an excellent way to keep your brain in top shape, thereby facilitating an ability to handle difficult situation rationally and effectively.  If you like taking occasional coffee or other caffeine boost, limit your daily consumption, and get rid of all caffeine sources mid-afternoon, to ensure you get a good and undisturbed night sleep.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep deprivation has become an epidemic in modern society.  The urge to achieve and produce is depriving people of sleep so that they can get things done.  In a stressful situation, we may be tempted to “pull an all-nighter” in order to meet a deadline, or catch up on some last minute study,  but contrary to what your stressed mind is telling you, a rested body and mind will actually have the strength to achieve more, without too much burden on your system.

Lastly, Set Achievable Goals
Setting impossible goals is one of the easiest ways to allow stress rule over your life.  You would always scramble to catch up if you set the bar above what you can reasonably achieve.  Don’t set yourself up for disappointment, instead, take the time to sincerely evaluate your energy level and time frame, so you can meet deadlines and be stress free!
Getting stress out of your life may look impractical.  However, following the simple stress management tips above, you will find that you have more positive strategies to deal with stress, when it finds its way into your life.  So, try and live your life stress-free this 2011!

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